Camera Calibration Tool


The task of this project is to develop a desktop application for camera parameter calibration.



1> In terms of interface design and operational logic, you can refer to the camera calibrator app in Matlab, but you don't have to be limited to it. The first principle of interface and operational logic design should be simplicity, clarity, and user friendliness.


2> This tool needs to support both regular camera lenses and fisheye camera lenses.

3> C++ and OpenCV should be used for implementation. The library functions of OpenCV can be called to complete the core calibration function. Tips: For regular cameras, you need to use "cv:: calibrateCamera" and related functions. For fisheye cameras, you need to use "cv:: fisheye:: calibrate" and related functions.

4> The code should be able to support cross platform compilation, at least supporting two of the three mainstream desktop operating systems: Windows, Ubuntu, and MacOS.


Created on: Nov. 07, 2024